
A Place Called Home

Tuesday, November 26, 2013
We've been living in our home for 2 and a half years now. When we moved in it hadn't been well cared for and it was dirty, so, so dirty - the thought of it still makes me shudder - but it's a good size, is light and has some lovely views. We're off the beaten track so it's very quiet and I...



Just a month away.

Monday, November 25, 2013
The #BEDN topic is all about Christmas today. From the age of 17 I used to dread Christmas but since 2009 I've learned to love it again - you can read why here. My favourite aspect of Christmas is the time I get to spend with Andy. He works ridiculous hours, 7 days a week and Christmas Day is the only day that...


an outfit

Taking some inspiration this monday...

Monday, November 25, 2013
I'm linking up with Inspiration Monday for the first time in ages! This week the inspiration comes from Sienna Miller in a fabulous animal print dress and fluffy jacket. I had very little in my wardrobe that suited this so when I saw this 'dress' in a charity shop at the weekend I purchased it to wear today. Whilst it's not animal print...




Sunday, November 24, 2013
I have lost count of the number of times I have said 'you need to relax' to people recently. I don't know why we all seem to feel that we have to be doing something at all times, that relaxing is a waste of time. Why can't we just give ourselves a break? Taking the time to relax properly is just as important...



One of my four goals.

Saturday, November 23, 2013
I set myself four little goals earlier this month with the intention of doing something towards each one by the end of 2013. The first on the list was to find a local hairdresser. I asked around and received a recommendation from a friend, and not only have I had a much needed cut, I've also booked my next appointment. I had to...




Friday, November 22, 2013
 source I covered my dream travel destination in May's Blog Everyday challenge. While that is a once in a lifetime holiday, I'd love to get away from it all right now, for a few days... maybe a week. I'm thinking warm climate, pool, beach, turquoise water, great food, interesting things to go and gaze at, a little shopping and a spa. I'm not...



World TV Day

Thursday, November 21, 2013
 source To be honest with you, I can't believe that there is even such a thing as World TV Day. I'm not a huge watcher of television. I don't follow soaps particularly and can go days without switching on the gogglebox (although I am aware of a programme of the same name... watching people watch TV, I hear it's hilarious but I'm not...



Hobbies and such

Tuesday, November 19, 2013
You know that saying 'Jack of all trade, master of none'? Well, that's me when it comes to hobbies. I like to tinker with different things but I can't say I'm really good at anything in particular. I've shared some of my knitting projects already, I can use a sewing machine, do all sorts of crafty bits and pieces. I can grown things...



One for Cat Lovers

Monday, November 18, 2013
Time is conspiring against me once again and I've failed to plan or write up any of the #BEDN posts for a few days, so instead I'm going to share this with you. I defy you not to put your head to one side and say 'Awww'... Was I right? Happy Monday everyone! Love ...


little things

My favourite moments of the week.

Saturday, November 16, 2013
I've decided that I'd like to keep a record of the lovely things that happen over the course of a week, that make me smile. I've always considered the little things to be every bit as important as the big things. Soft, kitty, warm kitty... Eating the first roast dinner of the season with Andy. My roasties were the best yet and I...



Be kind.

Thursday, November 14, 2013
Today's topic is workspace but as I shared mine not long ago, I'm covering yesterday's #BEDN topic - Kindness - today. I racked my brain for what to say and wondered 'when was the last time I did something kind' and do you know what, I couldn't think of a single thing, my mind just went completely blank. I can't say that this...



Learn to knit

Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Now I'm really behind with #BEDN, thanks to a few days of tight deadlines. Never-the-less I'm not going to be put off, I intend to cover all topics but not necessarily in any order or even within November. This post isn't one of the topics but it was the closest post I had to being finished and with time running out today I...



Blogging love and hate

Sunday, November 10, 2013
I love that my blog can be whatever I want it to be and I dislike the notion that blogging has to be a certain way. I've read many posts on what blogging should be, some I agreed with, others I skimmed over, choosing not to get involved in the 'that's not blogging' debate.  In my twitter timeline and in the blogs I...



My Day 8th November 2013

Saturday, November 09, 2013
It wasn't an average day but almost everyday starts the same - feed the cats before they kill me and feast on my head. Make and drink tea before making sense can commence. Morning ablutions. Select an outfit. A trip to London. Train snacks. Marvelling at the fact that if I wanted to take a photo of a train as it whizzed by...



4 simple goals by the end of 2013

Friday, November 08, 2013
Thanks to the absence of wifi yesterday I'm now a day behind on #BEDN... I bent the rules on #BEDN yesterday, instead of listing 10 things I'm linking up with Four Simple Goals over on A Beautiful Mess. Although I have to admit I found this via Zoe and have kinda copied her first goal! Find a local hairdresser Something I have been...



All content © Hazel's World of Joy except where noted


All products that are featured on Hazel’s World of Joy have been purchased by me unless otherwise stated. Any PR samples, items that have been sent to me for review or similar will be declared as such at the end of the post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.