I have been trying to write this post for months. Sometime in back October 2010 I made a start... In this month's edition of Red I read an article by Anna Van Praagh that set me pondering. The article was 'Modern, glamorous, edgy, chic, eclectic... what are your 3 words' The idea is that your style can be summed up three words and once you figure...
I'm disappointed. Do you remember my teeny tiny H&M haul? I placed this order on 23rd May. At the time of placing my order the delivery dates were; Dress 30th May - 3rd June Necklace 6th - 10th June When the dates had passed I tracked my parcel. The expected delivery dates had changed, without any notification; Dress 13th - 17th June Necklace 20th -...
You know how sometimes you see an outfit that you wish you could emulate? That. Barbora, Student, Paris. Photographed by Candice Lake. I love street style, Glamour always have a great selection of shots. This one I just had to share. ...
a review
Product review - Lee Stafford treatment for hair that never grows past a certain length
Monday, June 20, 2011 I was introduced to this product via a Vlog on The Fish Tank. Having used this for the past month, I can't add anymore to what Fritha Louise said about it so, I'll summerise and if you like the sound of it the link to The Fish Tank Vlog is above... This product is designed to nourish the root and hair follicle, therefore improving the health of your hair...
Another challenge for me today! I'm wearing lace as part Everybody, Everywear... I found this site via Country Girl Does Norfolk - thanks Sophie! Each month EBEW choose an item to style and bloggers participate in their hundreds by submitting their looks. Last month the style was florals and I can't believe I missed the breton top back in January - I practically...
I'm joining Inspiration Monday with the ladies over at Two Birds today. The über cool Liv Tyler is the inspiration for today, it's a bit on the chilly side for shorts so these didn't make it out of the front door. Given the choice between goose bumps or jeans, I'll go for jeans. every. single. time. Source for Liv image The photograph doesn't...
To stick to a monthly clothes budget of £60.00 (until further notice) To only purchase an item if at least three different outfits can be created (to limit further purchases) To wait 24hrs before clicking 'add to bag' (to stop online impulse buys) Do you have any 'rules'? I'd love to know what they are and do they work for you? Wish me...
It's back! I shelved this for the duration of my wardrobe challenge as it raised a strong temptation to shop! The challenge is over and an 'I have been' post is long overdue. So here goes... This Week I have Been... Wearing lipstick... Not a normal occurrence for me but when Rimmel saw my Dorothy Perkins coral jeans post they suggested that I...
When I saw this gorgeous turquoise necklace from H&M on Lipstick and Ruffles and then on The Stylista and the Frog I just fell in love with it. At £7.99 it is well within my yet-to-be-decided monthly shopping budget and I am proud to say that I stuck to 'The Rules' and I waited 24 hours before I made my purchase. But (there is always a but)...
I've been tagged by the lovely Lisa-Jane. Thank you! I enjoyed completing this, I had to really think on some of them, the 'eight things I love about winter' tumbled from my mind as fast as I could type but the 'eight things on my wishlist' had me stumped - what's that all about! Anyway... My eight things! Eight TV shows I watch......