One of my friends suggested an alternative way to paint my nails (I think she saw it on daytime TV). Anyway, you paint your nails, not worrying about any mistakes - it can be as scrappy as you like - and then wash up or take a bath. The water will wash anyway any nail polish that is on your skin leaving you...
So, with my Wardrobe Challenge starting in just over a week I should probably stop adding to my lust list, but... I just can't help it. Matalan Sky Print Dress To die for. No? Ana Marina Grey Stud Buckle Boots So, erm... ahem... *blushes* I may have... *whispers* purchased these boots. But may I just say "63% off" How could I not? Fearne...
'Wearing tights gives you thrush'. This is the random comment that put me off wearing tights for years. It was made when I was in my mid teens, when my jeans and skirts that dragged the floor negated the need for any form of hosiery, but never-the-less what he said stuck (and it was without doubt a he). Now, I know that this...
Collegue: What would you do without a credit card woman? Me: My life as I know it would come to an end. I knew this day would come eventually. OH and I have decided to buy a house together (this is the good news). So I have decided (and this is the bad news) that I need to curb my spending and make...
I have tried to be good this sale season and limit my spending but with so many bargains to be had what is a girl to do? I have deleted sale emails from many of my favourite retailers (sorry!) before reading them in order to resist temptation and I haven't yet ventured into my local town centre just in case my self control...
Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and saw in the new year in fabulous style! I love this time of year. Despite the cold, grey weather I find it an exciting time, time to look forward and make plans. I always make a few new year's resolution, most of which fall by the wayside by the time Valentine's...