We've hit winter! Which obviously means it's time for me to write another list of things I want to achieve over the next few months. 1. Read three books Nothing feels more wintery than sitting curled up in a blanket and reading, and yet this appears on all of my seasonal lists. The reason being that I love reading but I have to...
My to-do list for Autumn was a simple one, but full of nice things to do. 1. Forage for sloes and make some gin Yep! Good tip - freeze the sloes so they'll split when they thaw and you won't need to prick them all individually (something I wish I'd known last year!). And FYI the sloe gin I made last year was...
In stark comparison to a few weeks ago I've been feeling really upbeat this week. I don't know what shifted my feeling of melancholy, I'm just glad it's gone. I knitted myself a hat. And even though I'm going to frog it and start all over again (I noticed a mistake about six rows in and just can't live with it) I'm going...
If you read Kezzie's blog (and if you don't you should) you'll know that she has a rather large collection of brooches. She's been regularly posting her collection and encouraging others to post their own. Now my brooch collection is very small in comparison but I have been inspired to wear a few this week, they normally never get worn at all, so...
It's been a little while since I joined in with Ginny's Yarn Along due to the fact that my knitting sticks have been bare. Wanting to keep up with some simple knitting projects I treated myself to a Sirdar Head Start bobble hat kit. After a quick trip to my local craft shop to grab some 8mm needles I started today. It's knitting...