The spending ban that did work

Friday, January 22, 2016

So, putting myself on a total spending ban doesn't work.

I try, I fail, I try again. Again I fail. The story never changes.

However I have found something that does work for me.

At the end of 2014 I promised myself that I wouldn't buy any scarves or PJs for a whole year. I had more than enough already and even though I threw away some PJs that had seen better days, and donated several of my scarves, I still ended 2015 with ample amounts of both.

I did buy myself a pair of Christmas PJs at the very end of 2015, but this was to keep up my tradition of wearing new PJs on Christmas Eve. And they were glorious! I think they're my favourite PJs ever.

That aside, I decided to continue this for 2016, possibly even forgoing Christmas PJs this year too.

In doing this I came to realise that I simply didn't look at either item online or in shops, it's like they no longer showed up on my radar which I found very interesting.

Now all I have to do is identify the other things I think I have plenty of and strike them from my shopping list.

Blusher is certainly one of them. Lipsticks too. As for clothing items, I think I've got knitwear covered, and summer trousers. Although I think these last two will be more difficult than scarves and PJs, but it's worth a try.

This didn't stop me spending last year but, who knows, maybe this along with my capsule wardrobe - more on that in another post - will make me think twice about what I have (and need) before making a purchase?

Do you find it easy to control your spending? And if you do, how?!

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  1. I find an out and out ban much easier to stick to than say a spend limit per month. I think it's because if I know I can't spend anything, I'm in theory less likely to even look at things. I mean, that totally isn't the case as I like to browse to see what's about, and put my wishlist posts together, but I like your method of reining in your spending and I'm glad you found something which worked for you.

    1. It's the browsing that gets me, there are always so many lovely things available, even when I try not to browse there are adverts everywhere, wishlists on blogs ;) and twitter. Temptation is hard to get away from.
      I just like clothes too much!!

  2. Browsing is bad, I find it hard to resist!!!! I am glad this worked for you- maybe I should ban a particular item (dresses, I suspect is necessary!) xx

    1. Dresses would be hard but being able to still buy other items would soften the blow. I'm thinking I might try seasonal restrictions too - no shoes until summer for example.

  3. We're a couple of opposites. I find it easy to stop spending but Alan does not at all.

    Lizzie Dripping

    1. Andy is the opposite to me too, I have to work really hard to get him to spend money on himself, but he's very generous when it comes to gifts for others (particularly me).

  4. I started to change my spending habits a couple of years ago to try and reduce spending by placing a little shopping list card in my filofax so that I listed what I needed (which included things that I might want rather than necessarily need) and its helped me not go too crazy with my retail excursions and kept me on track. I also try and use the '9' things rule, if I'm thinking of buying something, for example a clutch bag. Do I have 9 things it would go with. I am looking forward to your capsule wardrobe post, its definitely something I need to work on x

  5. I've just started a similar list, I'll let you know how I get on. I used to ask myself if I had three things a new item wold go with (and I thought that was enough and struggled to do that sometimes and made a purchase nayway) but it didn't last. I'm hoping the capsule wardrobe will make a difference - post will be up this week.

  6. I don't have any problem banning spending on clothes, I just hate clothes shopping. A ban on spending on hobbies would definitely be more difficult for me, or a ban on spending for Daniel and Eleanor, I'm always buying things I see which I think they'd like.

    1. Clothes are definitely my biggest indulgence, I love shopping for clothes! I'm sure I'd be the same with my children, perhaps if I have any my focus will shift...

  7. I get a lot of pleasure from clothes shopping so find it hard to stop entirely. However, tracking my clothing purchases through Elise's Buyer's Archive has made me realise just how much of what I buy either never gets worn, or gets eBayed after a few months. So my goal is to be smarter about what I buy.


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All products that are featured on Hazel’s World of Joy have been purchased by me unless otherwise stated. Any PR samples, items that have been sent to me for review or similar will be declared as such at the end of the post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.