
Catching up...

Monday, September 17, 2012

Hello, it's been a while. I failed to post anything at all last week and missed Inspiration Monday and EBEW, I've been absent from Twitter and have not had a chance to read and comment on my favourite blogs. In short, life has been hectic.

Sadly, this is mostly due to work, but I have been up to some fun stuff too.

Today's Inspiration Monday is Eva Mendes

On Saturday I ran another clothes swap for a charity I'm involved with. It went really well and plans are already in place for the next one in early November. With the clothes that remained I decided, at the 11th hour, to join some friends that were going to a carboot sale on Sunday. At the end of the day I left with more than I'd arrived with, any clothes that my friends weren't able to sell were given to me for the next clothes swap.

Some items I've decided to sell on eBay as I think I can raise more for the charity that way - other items, like bobbled knitwear and misshapen t shirts and such, are going to be sold via Cash for Clothing. These will be sorted and sent to third world countries or those experiencing situations resulting in extreme poverty. Any items that aren't reusable go for fibre reclamation - I am determined not to let any item that is donated go to waste.

Now, I'd be lying if I said that organising clothes swaps didn't come with a few perks. You've probably already guessed that I pick up a few bargains for myself along the way. Whilst I'm at the swaps I don't have time to browse but when I get everything home and I'm sorting through it, I often find a few gems (post to come). Of course I pay for all of these items - I see it as a win-win, clothes for me, money for charity.

One lady at the carboot sale leant over my table, touched me on the hand and said "There's absolutely no need for anyone to look shabby, when there are so many lovely items like these to be had for next to nothing" A woman after my own heart...


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  1. good for you for all you do! i love that you don't let anything go to waste! and i love this skirt on you. it looks great with the belt!

    1. Thank you, I don't normally wear a belt with a skirt but I rather like it. I really enjoy how Inspiration Monday makes me mix things up a bit.

  2. I may have to pick your brains over the next few weeks. I have a LOT of fundraising to do so that my rangers can go on a trip next summer and one of hte things they have suggested is that we organise a clothes swap. I'm not really sure where to start..

    1. I'll be doing a post with a few tips soon...

  3. I take my hat off to you for doing something so wonderful for your chosen charity! Well Done xx

  4. That's a really nice thing to say isn't it! And well done for helping the charity, that's fab! I organised a clothes swap once- it was great fun!

    1. Everyone seem to enjoy themselves. I find it fascinating to get a glimpse into peoples wardrobes, it's why I like outfit posts so much too!

  5. Love the outfit, Eva Mendes is fast becoming a style icon. Please do a post on tips on arranging clothes swap parties. I've been meaning to arrange one for ages. xx

    1. I've started to write one, should be up in a few days :O)

  6. nice lovely skirt. your inspiration was right on! great job at it. I sincerely hope to be there next week with the resemblance of an inspiration...lol.

    1. Thanks Renae, I like to take part as often as possible, but last week was just too hectic!

  7. great thinking to throw on a maxi
    i should have thought of that too
    love your interpretation

    1. Thanks, the maxi was really the only thing in my wardrobe that was even close but I was really pleased with the final outfit.

  8. A clothing swap might have me hauling a carful of clothes in an attempt to gain stuff that goes with other things. I'm going to try a blogsale soon.

    1. I'd recommend it! I think you look at clothes differently when you are charity shopping or at a clothes swap - I think it's because of the limited choice, whereas in shops it seems endless...

  9. Oh this look is lovely on you. That skirt is gorgeous Hazel!

    Sarah Betty xx

  10. Loving the skirt Hazel, the colour is fab. Sound like the swop went well. And why not have a few perks after all that organisation.

    X x

  11. Yes you have a cool blog! See you some more next week, or simply follow me? That way we'll see each other more! :D

  12. You look SO cute even without the dog as arm candy, heehee. No but really, like it a lot!
    I feel you on life being crazy hectic. Just make sure to take care of yourself and sleep lots.

    Oh and yes, that orange skirt I wore that you commented on, you did see me wear for the EBEW!!!! Crazy good memory girl!!!!

  13. classy! if you worked hard, you deserve perks, i say. :)

  14. I've got to say, I like your version of this outfit better than Eva's! Your skirt is beautiful.


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All content © Hazel's World of Joy except where noted


All products that are featured on Hazel’s World of Joy have been purchased by me unless otherwise stated. Any PR samples, items that have been sent to me for review or similar will be declared as such at the end of the post. All thoughts and opinions are my own.