In an attempt to get back into blogging I had a thought that I could do a quick weekly post showing my latest charity shops finds along with general chit chat and musings.
A few times this year I’ve popped to my local charity shop with Bub on a Saturday morning to drop off donations that I’d collected from my random moments of decluttering during the week (yep, that’s still on-going). And of course it makes sense to have a rummage whilst we’re there.
I’ve found some nice bits and pieces this year, and once I’d decided that, yes, I like this idea for a new series of blog posts, I just had to figure out a new way of putting the posts together. The way I’d always done it just wasn’t working anymore. I decided that I could write them on my mobile whilst feeding Bub, then I could quickly crop, size and add an image on my computer when I had a moment. And then I tested positive for Covid and that scuppered plans for trips anywhere for a few weeks.
Husband tested positive a few days later and whilst neither of us were particularly poorly, we did as we should and stayed at home (I can’t believe that at the end of the month self isolation will be scrapped, I can’t even begin to tell you how ranty I got when I heard that!!). Anyway, not to be deterred I thought I’d tell you my plan and do the chit chatty bit anyway. The charity shop hauls can start when I’m allowed back out into civilisation.
So how was Covid for us? Well, not too bad considering. We both felt bunged up and had a bit of a cough. Both got tired very easily, which meant looking after Bub was a bit of a challenge at times, but we took it in turns and made the best of all being at home together. Bub had a high temperature and snotty nose for a few days so I suspect she had it too, but she was happy enough for the majority of the time. She was a little bit clingy and slept more than usual but that’s entirely understandable.
I was so surprised to get it if I’m honest. I don’t go out much at the moment and I only see the same five people each week. They all do LFTs before they visit, and not one of them has tested positive before or since I got it. The only place I go is a baby sensory class on a Tuesday (I hadn’t been to the charity shop that week due to being car-less for the weekend ). I suspect this is where I got it.
I felt really tired one day and just put it down to being up with Bub throughout the night but by the end of the day I felt like a cold was imminent. Lying in bed that night I thought to myself ‘at least it’s just a cold and not Covid… oh wait….’ I did a test the next morning, still not really believing that I could have it.
Still, I guess it was inevitable and thank goodness for vaccinations and boosters!
Well, this has already turned out to be a much longer post than I expected. My new system worked pretty well, so hopefully I’ll be able to post more often than recent months. I’ve also mysteriously stopped having issues when I try to leave comments when using my phone, so you might find me popping up in your comments too. So I’ll just say I hope 2022 is going ok for you (it’s too late to say Happy New Year, right? Even if I haven’t said it yet?), and I’ll be back soon with more witterings.
Take care